
How to Grow a Butterfly Garden at Home: A Family Guide

How to Grow a Butterfly Garden at Home: A Famil...

Creating a butterfly garden at home is a wonderful way to bring your family together while also supporting local wildlife. Butterflies are not only beautiful but are also important pollinators....

How to Grow a Butterfly Garden at Home: A Famil...

Creating a butterfly garden at home is a wonderful way to bring your family together while also supporting local wildlife. Butterflies are not only beautiful but are also important pollinators....

Exploring the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) with Kids

Exploring the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) ...

Exploring the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) with Kids The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), in the neighborhood of Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, has an amazing variety...

Exploring the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) ...

Exploring the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI) with Kids The New York Hall of Science (NYSCI), in the neighborhood of Flushing Meadows-Corona Park in Queens, has an amazing variety...

Family Pizza Night!

Family Pizza Night!

It's time for a pizza party! If you haven't already, check out my new music video: Homemade Pizza! Looking for a fun and delicious activity to do with your kiddos...

Family Pizza Night!

It's time for a pizza party! If you haven't already, check out my new music video: Homemade Pizza! Looking for a fun and delicious activity to do with your kiddos...

Pizza Party Videos

Pizza Party Videos

Hey friends!  Big news! I'm releasing a new music video on YouTube! Pizza Party goes live on May 24th, 2024. Here's the link for the video:    You can also...

Pizza Party Videos

Hey friends!  Big news! I'm releasing a new music video on YouTube! Pizza Party goes live on May 24th, 2024. Here's the link for the video:    You can also...

Jules Hoffman - Jamming with Jules

Jules' NYC Kids Adventure Guide!

Welcome to my guide for exploring NYC with your little ones. I'm Jules, the children's musician who recently rocked out at the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI). Let's look...

Jules' NYC Kids Adventure Guide!

Welcome to my guide for exploring NYC with your little ones. I'm Jules, the children's musician who recently rocked out at the New York Hall of Science (NYSCI). Let's look...

Jules Hoffman - Jamming with Jules

Teaching Essential Life Skills to Kids

Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders: Teaching Essential Life Skills to Kids In today's fast-paced world, equipping children with essential life skills is more crucial than ever. These skills not only shape their...

Teaching Essential Life Skills to Kids

Nurturing Tomorrow's Leaders: Teaching Essential Life Skills to Kids In today's fast-paced world, equipping children with essential life skills is more crucial than ever. These skills not only shape their...